tools & tips for HOW TO have effective conversations ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH AT WORK

Managing the Mental Health Impact of Sociopolitical Uncertainty and Targeted Hate

Whether it’s interpersonal division, crappy economics, climate change, socioeconomic division, or harmful global social change. You name it--we seem to be dealing with it. In this article, Melissa shares practical strategies for employees and leaders to manage the mental health impacts associated with these challenging times.

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Navigating the Fine Line Between Toxic Positivity and Constructive Hope in the Workplace

Let's face it, work can be a rollercoaster of high-intensity emotions. From performance expectations to navigating clashes within your team, negative emotions are bound to surface. And in our quest to create a supportive work environment where positive emotions abound, sometimes the good intentions to foster a culture of joy don't quite land.

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Mental Health at Work, Managing Emotions Melissa Doman LLC Mental Health at Work, Managing Emotions Melissa Doman LLC

Could Imposter Syndrome Be Affecting Your Career and Mental Health?

Are you struggling with impostor syndrome? You're not alone. In fact, many people experience feelings of inadequacy or insecurity when at work. It's normal to feel like an impostor sometimes. But if these feelings persist, they could be affecting your mental health. In this article, learn some tips for how to deal with Imposter Syndrome and feelings of inadequacy.

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Talking About Mental Health in a Remote Work Environment.

We live in an age where more people are working remotely due to the coronavirus pandemic. What does this mean for our mental health? As we continue this way of work, we must be mindful about our mental health. There are many ways to stay connected while working from home and this article will give you tips on how to do so in practical ways.

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How to Cope With Going Back to the Office During the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Going back to the office during Covid? Are you ready to go back to the office after working from home for over two years? You're not alone if you don't know where to start. Read on for tips from mental health experts who understand (and have studied) what you’re going through.

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How Focusing on our Differences Prevents Supportive Mental Health Conversations.

In today’s world, people are divided on many issues. These differences of opinion cause a host of physical, emotional, and mental reactions, which spills over into the workplace. By focusing on how we’re different from one another, we’re missing the opportunity to connect on an important issue — mental health. But there are ways to have constructive conversations and bridge these divisions.

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How Women In Leadership Can Champion Mental Health at Work

As we talk more about mental health at work, it’s important to understand the source of some of the challenges to having these conversations. Gender is one of the most important factors and it has a long history of influence in our society. It’s even led to gender-based emotion shaming, especially toward women. Thankfully, there are some things we can do to combat this behavior and have more constructive conversations.

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Understanding Wellbeing Shaming At Work

In the last couple of years during COVID, many people have taken the time to prioritize their mental health. While this has many positive effects, it’s also led to a negative reaction from some — shaming others for taking care of their mental health and wellbeing. This behavior is harmful and must be stopped. Here are a few conversation tips if you encounter wellbeing shaming at the office.

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How to Cope With Return-To-Office Delays

It’s the start of 2022, a time when most people hoped to get back into the office. But companies are delaying their plans to return because of the rise of the COVID Omicron variant. Despite the uncertainty of it all, here are tools to help you feel more secure and in control of your emotions.

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