tools & tips for HOW TO have effective conversations ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH AT WORK
The High-Stress Hustle: Badge of Honor or Burning Out?
Let's talk about stress at work. Is weathering excessive pressures a testament to your grit, a badge of honor you wear with pride? Or is work-related stress a sign of self-sacrifice, slowly eroding your well-being for the sake of the almighty paycheck or even your sense of pride? Let's explore.
Understanding Wellbeing Shaming At Work
In the last couple of years during COVID, many people have taken the time to prioritize their mental health. While this has many positive effects, it’s also led to a negative reaction from some — shaming others for taking care of their mental health and wellbeing. This behavior is harmful and must be stopped. Here are a few conversation tips if you encounter wellbeing shaming at the office.