tools & tips for HOW TO have effective conversations ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH AT WORK
How Financial Stress Affects Mental Health at Work: Practical Strategies for Coping
When people are thinking about how they’re going to pay their bills and stay afloat, work is not exactly the first thing on their minds. Learn from Melissa why it’s crucial to understand how financial stress affects employee and leader mental health, and how to create space for that conversation as a form of helping people (hopefully) manage it effectively.
The High-Stress Hustle: Badge of Honor or Burning Out?
Let's talk about stress at work. Is weathering excessive pressures a testament to your grit, a badge of honor you wear with pride? Or is work-related stress a sign of self-sacrifice, slowly eroding your well-being for the sake of the almighty paycheck or even your sense of pride? Let's explore.
Navigating 2024: Beyond the 'Don't Mess with My Peace' Mantra
Trying to ‘protect your peace’ in 2024? Learn more about why that may not be a useful approach to managing your mental health, and what to do instead.
How To Realistically Manage Stress at Work.
Battling workplace stress? Realistic techniques for managing stress could be your solution. This post covers why, when, and how to practice effective stress management at work.